Wednesday, 20 October 2010

Music: The best gift in the world!

Yikes! I have seriously neglected this liddle blog of mine...

Okies, so I am into month four of my SL experience so I will catch everyone up (including myself, good time to recap ;)

Firstly I have been crazy busy with Uni, but I do still find the time to log in and catch my favorite DJs... So this blog is dedicated to the guys who work hard to give us pleasurable eargasms..

I don't have 'A favorite' because each DJ caters for a different mood. I am very much of the opinion that sharing music is one of the greatest gifts you can give to another human being and these guys do that in abundance.

On a Monday night we are blessed with Mericat Ireland's set at the 'Pig and Whistle'. It's always an eclectic mix, raw and edgey with a a good few classic indie anthems thrown in for good measure. Meri is a natural DJ and knows how to entertain her loyal followers and make the newcomers feel welcome. I always have a blast there and Meri always makes sure there is a taxi cab waiting for me as soon as I log in... :) /meri's innocent "Jellie Arrowmint: Meri is innocent and would never do such a thing"

Cisa Batista is a human jukebox. The tunes pour out of her and I don't think I have ever met someone so wonderfully in love with music. Every set is from the heart, passionate and full of energy..My i-tunes always increases considerably after every Cisa set. /Cisa "CISA BATISTA!!!'

Graz Firecaster (aka Grazzypants, Grazzle, Griz, G) Is the modfather and manager of the best indie club in SL. His Jukebox fury on an Wednesday night is full of variety and warmth. He has opened my eyes to a whole new world of music and that in itself is a lovely gift. /camel "Cisa Batista: You have a crush on the camel Graz? Graz Firecaster: Shhh"

Okay seemingly these guys above are my top three, (in no particular order) but I really enjoy sets by, Graham, Iggy, Annie and Barely. So lets not hang the DJs, lets praise them and be thankful that they are in SL entertaining and sharing something beautiful :) Thank you guys!

Gestures supplied by the one and only Jellie Arrowmint \o/ "Squirrel!"

**My pub quiz team finished 10th out of 12 :( This is why....

"What's the capital of Alaska?"

Nat: "Juneau"

Athina: "No, I don't know??!?"

Nat: "It's Juneau"

Athina: " No! Just said I didn't know, stop asking if I know!"

Nat: *Heavy sigh*


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