Tuesday, 30 November 2010

Love all, trust a few. Do wrong to none.

As I have decided to take a break from SL, I thought I would take a moment and use my blog to clear things up :)

I know this was kinda sudden, but real life has been building up recently and with study and having a friend living with us (who needs much attention, believe me! lol) I felt I had to make this call. I am perfectly fine and happy as normal ;) For those I have worried fear not, I just hate goodbyes (hence the notecards) those who I did get to speak to, thank you for your lovely kind words that wished me well.

I have learnt so much in 5 months here...That for one it is possible to form and build relationships with such incredible people. Also, it is possible to piss people off, to be pissed off by people and to misplace trust. I only say this to help people appreciate what they have and what they desire will come to them when they are ready to receive it.

Sometimes, whether we want it to or not, Our Real Lives bleed into our Second Lives and things can get complicated. Whether you see SL as an escape for an hour or two, or if you just see it as a cheaper way to hang with friends and enjoy great music, it's always important you know where you are and where you have come from.

Treat people the way you want to be treated, finding the time to listen and making sure we never overstep the boundaries of privacy. Knowing when it is okay to say certain things. Knowing when it's best that you don't say anything at all. These few things are not the guidelines of etiquette for Second life, these are the guidelines of etiquette for....Life :)

Pixie xoxox

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